Optical chaotic carrier fiber transmission

The goal of this research is the design of a low cost and low power UWB integrated pulsed radar. In particular, the goal is a short range (about ten meters) and high resolution (in the centimeter range) system. At the current state of the art, no such single chip radar exists, but it could have many important applications, ranging from improving the autonomous mobility of impaired people, to Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Through Wall Probing Radar (TWPR). The main research activities in the framework of this project reside in the design, fabrication and testing of antennas for ultra-compact UWB radars. In order to reduce as much as possible the dimensions, engineered miniaturized horn antennas as well as innovative highly directional printed antennas are being developed.

Funding source    MIUR, PRIN Grant

Period     2006-2008


Department of Electronics, University of Pavia;
Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of L’Aquila;

Contact     Marco Santagiustina